Part 33: Second Wave
Chapter 25 - Second Wave
Music - "Against Doom and Despair"
Download (Thanks to Grawl)

When I regained consciousness, I was surprised to still be alive, although I had a horrible headache. The orc was still staring at me. I leapt to my feet and drew my weapon.

I wasn't sure I had heard correctly, my ears were still recovering. I pressed the flat of my dagger against his throat. To my surprise he didn't resist.

I removed my knife, to the visible relief of the orc.

We parted ways. I headed north. It was the first up-close look I had to the destroyed village. It was a grim sight. All the buildings had been burned to the ground.

Not all the houses had been empty at the time. There were some charred skeletons among the debris.

There was a small group of orcs guarding the teleport platform. I was tired and sore, but.

I returned to the village occupied by Captain Mitox's soldiers. The wounded and dead had been moved elsewhere. The soldiers looked tired, but some of them recognized me.

A cheer went up from the troops.

The soldiers pointed to the battered building that used to be "Clem's General Store".

Just then another soldier came in with a piece of paper. He saluted and handed it to Mitox.

The soldier saluted, and then hurried out.

"About the Games" posted:
Hmmm... Mitox thinks that there's something odd about the orc strategy. It certainly seems unusual.

Mitox shook his head grimly.

Mitox's silence spoke volumes.

Quickly, I had my shield repaired by the armorer, and then I headed for the Barracks teleporter to take me behind the lines...

I turned invisible before the surprised orc troops could strike at me. They milled about in confusion - an unexpected bonus. If they had to worry about a knife in their backs, they'd be less effective defending their fronts.
"About the Game" posted:
This wasn't a photoshop, although honestly I could not tell you where Jeremiah is.
I headed southwest quickly, not a moment too soon. Boulders started raining from the Ducal army's catapults into the orc throngs.

There were no orcs in this area, which only served to strengthen my suspicions. The orcs wouldn't want to avoid drawing attention to the south if they had a secret base there.
I heard something flapping in the wind and discovered a sheet of paper tucked under a rock. It was a message written in Orcish. It couldn't have been there long, it wasn't damp from the dew on the grass.

I drank a restoration potion to get my magic reserve up to full. If there was a base, it was best to go in prepared. I climbed a worn path up the ridge.

I didn't see any orcs. I assumed that meant there weren't any. That was a stupid assumption.
A group of orcs sprung from hiding from some bushes and trees.

"What does big stinking orc want here?" I asked condescendingly, savouring the insult.
The orc looked surprised that someone was asking questions first instead of attacking.
"Me? Well I'm guarding our secret ba..." he realized what he was saying. "What? Bloody insidious human word trick! Now I cut trickster to bits!"
"Oh mighty orc, please let me go... Please!" I said in a dull monotone.
Sarcasm is wasted on orcs.

The other orcs looked on confusedly

I blasted most of the other orc guards first, so they wouldn't get a chance to warn the secret base, but the rather dim-witted guard orc charged.

He might not have been very smart, but his surprising speed and toughness made him a nasty opponent. I had to spend a lot of my magic reserve just keeping him slowed down enough to stay out of his reach.

After several minutes, I managed to eventually bring him down. He was wearing some magic chain mail. Too heavy for me, even if the blood and scorch marks hadn't kept me from wanting to wear it.
I could hear the sounds of battle from far away. Mitox would be occupied directing the battle, and he already told me there was no further assistance he could lend.

I headed back up the ridge, looking for more orcs. I soon found them.

The wardrummer started pounding urgently - possibly a warning of an intruder. I tried to kill him as quickly as possible.

But it was not to be.

I popped some restoration options off of my belt and downed them.

I returned my eyes to the Wardrummer. I didn't need him driving the giant orc into a frenzy. A bolt of lightning solved that problem.
The huge orc swung at me, but I was anticipating that and dove out of the way.

I managed to get away.

I cast the hail spell deliberately in front of where the orc was, and he and his buddy walked straight into it.

I took a crossbow bolt straight in the helmet, giving me an instant migrane and sending me reeling. I blasted the orc with the unfortunate aim. My helmet was definitely getting the worse for wear, but it would have to last until the job was finished.
I took a breather to regain some of my strength, and cast my magic shield again.

I found the actual camp part of the secret base. It was empty for now, but......scratch that. I saw orcs running about in confusion, but some spotted me.

An orc shaman showed up, and started summoning in the spirits of ancestral orc warriors.

The shaman became the new priority target, but luckily he was just as flammable as the other orcs.

I was starting to get tired again. I'd been fighting almost constantly for hours. Potions would help keep me on my feet for a bit longer, but not forever... then fatigue would set in that no potion would cure.
I fought off the orcs, but I didn't get off unscathed. A blow buckled my helmet completely, rendering it useless.

I pressed on and discovered a set of orc ballistae, with hundreds of other bolts under the tarpaulins on other carts.
After a few minutes of inspection, I figured out how the devices were meant to work, and I took the time to blast specific places with enough electricity to weld together formerly moving parts.

Luckily that was mostly the end of them. A good thing too, because almost every piece of my armor was in urgent need of repair, and my head was aching with fatigue.
I spotted a key gleaming in the sun and picked it up.

I found the secret base's food supply.

By the sleeping mats I found a pair of chests. The key turned in both locks. One had heavy armor.
"About the Game" posted:
The key only works on one chest, the other requires Lockpick Rank 3.
Also, I realized that I still had the broken helmet on my head and took it off. The yellow armor warning is for something else.
I had to go back for some shots, so my shield will vanish without explanation.

I picked it up. There was a bit of dust on it, so I gave it a polish. If I hadn't been so tired, I would have remembered to never do that to magical things you don't understand.

I was engulfed in magical energy. My body started twisting and conforming. I closed my eyes and tried to scream, but the sound which came out was not natural. The pain soon faded away and I opened my eyes to feel quite different. I was now very low to the ground, on all fours. I couldn't sense magic anymore.

Next Time: The Poor Quarter

Behind the Scenes
Ze map.

Alternate conversation options:

The Cat Statuette
There are 4 statues. All of them transform you into an animal, where your attributes, health and damage are fixed no matter what you have equipped.
You can't use any abilities or anything from your inventory. The transformations last for a little while before they wear off and you resume your normal shape. There is no mana cost or cooldown for using the statues, so you can just use the same statue the instant it wears off.
The statues aren't very important. Many enemies drop them as part of loot. They're weightless and sell for about 1800 gold or so, which is OK.
The cat statue is pretty useless, you aren't very fast, you have low health, enemies attack you on sight. There is one easter egg, though. Approach an orc in cat form and this happens.

This gives the cat a +2 reputation bonus, but only for as long as the cat lasts. You lose the bonus once you revert back to human form and you can't get the bonus a second time, so it's worthless. Also, despite the orc seeming to be afraid, he'll still attack you, and since you have about 16 health, you'll die if you get hit.
What's fake in this update?
- The orc spy is real, but you meet him to the southwest, not at the supply train. But getting Jeremiah all the way over there was less plausible than bringing him to Jeremiah. There is no code phrase to verify him.
- I added a skeleton from one of the other burned out houses to screenshot 4. There are skeletons in the ruins, there just weren't any prominent ones in my set of screenshots.
- The orc spy's secret base isn't even a sub-quest, and Mitox certainly doesn't send you on it. The entire conversation with Mitox was fake. There isn't a major offensive by the orcs.
- I found the cat statuette earlier when the orcs were attacking Mitox's troops at night, but didn't decide how to put it into the narrative until I was writing this chapter. It wasn't in the chest. In fact, the cat transformation shots were taken much later.